Dick Francis author

By | September 27, 2014

Dick Francis is one of my favorite authors for four reasons.  Dick Francis is a very good storyteller, don’t start reading one of his books shortly before bedtime or you will be up all night. He was a former steeplechase jockey, so the horses in his books are very real. You get can get to know them like any other character in his stories. Everyone of his books teaches you about some new occupation, such as flying into hurricanes, Second Wind. When his main character is injured  his recovery time is believable, his experience with falls when he was a steeplechase jockey is probably the reason that he can make it seem real. Dick Francis’ wife did a lot of the work on the books including most of the research and then after Mary his wife died his son Felix took up that position. Felix Francis is now writing the books and doing it very well. Felix does not do horses as well as his father, but he has filled both his mother’s shoes as well as his father’s shoes very well. Felix Francis mysteries are a very good read.


Following is a list of all of the mysteries by Dick Francis. I hope that I have them in the correct sequence. Links in this list are to Amazon. Please read the Amazon notice at our Privacy Policy page.

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The following is a list of all the Dick Francis that were co-authored with his son Felix Francis. The links are to Amazon, please read the Amazon notice at our Privacy Policy page.

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The following is a list of the Dick Francis books that were written Felix Francis after his father’s death. The links are to Amazon, please read the Amazon notice at our Privacy Policy page

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Damage will be released on 7 October 2014 according to the Amazon page that I have linked.


Finally I thought I might tack this on at the end. Here is a link at Amazon that I did on Dick Francis. There are some books that have an illustrator by the name of Dick Francis; however that has nothing to do with the mystery author Dick Francis.

[easyazon_link cloaking=”default” keywords=”dick francis books” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”produrevie0da-20″]Dick Francis books[/easyazon_link]

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