Cara Black author Aimée Léduc mysteries

By | September 15, 2014

Cara Black writes detective mysteries based in Paris France. The Aimée Léduc mysteries are better read in sequence. The first book Murder in the Marais is when you meet all of the main characters, learn their personalities and how they fit into the fabric of each new mystery. She is an American author whose mysteries can be followed through Paris if you have a good street guide to Paris or already know your way around the different arrondissements. Why do I like this author? She teaches you something of real life in every mystery. In Cara Black’s first mystery Murder in the Marais we learn about the still lingering feelings people have left over after World War II that never go away of both fear and hatred. We also learn about how the neo-Nazis fit into this mix. Cara Black teaches us about culture, history, Paris and more all wrapped up in a very hard to put down mystery. According to here Bio at here official site, her experiences were rather diverse and some might say sort of odd before she actually started writing. This is why the characters in her book seem so real, that you feel like you know them personally. Aimée Léduc, the owner of the Léduc Detective agency, Réne, the dwarf who is her business partner and best friend, Zazie the young daughter of the cafe owners near Aimée’s office, Inspecteur Morbier Aimée’s godfather, Aimée’s dog Miles Davis and finally her moped unless she is riding in René’s specially modified

Titles reviewed by Kris:  Murder in the Marais

Following is a list of all of the Aimée Léduc mysteries by Cara Black. I hope that I have them in the correct sequence. Links in this list are to Amazon. Please read the Amazon notice at our Privacy Policy page.

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